Watering Hole Tales

If you hear a bell ringing at the Babylon Village Pool on Wednesday afternoons, it’s not the Ice Cream Man – it’s a librarian from the Babylon Public Library ready to share some stories by the pool! I joined Ann G. as she read a selection of books to children taking a break from the water. Ann had a crowd of almost 30 children listening attentively to books such as When a Dragon Moves In by Jodi Moore. I was grateful to Ann for the opportunity to read the last story of the day, A Sick Day for Amos McGee. Ann greeted many of the children by their names, and one girl immediately asked her mom if they could stop at the library to make a craft and pick up some books after swimming.

Over the years, the crowd for poolside tales has ranged from a few children to a large-sized crowd. One afternoon Ann B. was even asked to read to a birthday party celebrating at the pool (cake was included!) On the day I accompanied Ann G., some older boys were listening from the back row. One tween turned to his friend and said, “This reminds me of when I was four.” Ah, memories!

Back at the library, the children’s room is decorated for the theme “A Reading Safari,” including a gigantic tiger and these handmade treasures created by Karin. In case you can’t get to the Bronx Zoo for free Wednesdays, stop by the Babylon Library to read to these critters!